Godfrey Fayne Jr.

Godfrey Fayne Jr. is a Doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine and is nationally certified through the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM).

Godfrey's passion for acupuncture and Chinese medicine ignited during his time as a track and field athlete in the Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) in 2007. Realizing the immense benefits that acupuncture and Chinese medicine could offer to athletes, including injury support, addressing ailments, and enhancing psychological well-being, he immediately delved into extensive research.

Dr. Godfrey is driven by a mission to bring value to his community's culture by establishing an environment that promotes daily habits conducive to healing. His approach is tailored to meet the specific needs of each individual. By educating the community on the modalities of Chinese medicine, he enables them to gain a comprehensive understanding of the healing process and empowers them to achieve their physical and mental health goals.

With his expertise, empathy, and commitment to personalized care, he strives to make a lasting positive impact on the well-being of his patients and the broader community.

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