Unlock Your Path to Holistic Healing

Unlock Your Path to Holistic Healing
If you are looking for holistic healing and natural solutions to help you achieve your health and wellness goals, we have something for you. In Memphis, Holistic Dynamics: Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine offers unique and effective services from skilled practitioners. We provide individualized care that is tailored to each person's needs and diagnosis. 

Our acupuncturists and herbalists take a classical approach to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), utilizing all 68 channels in the body. Our approach focuses on the twelve external channels, the twelve internal organs, and the fifty-six internal organ channels in order to identify and treat imbalances in the body. This allows us to effectively address a range of conditions and ailments, including chronic and acute injuries, emotional disorders, musculoskeletal conditions, and more. 

We don’t offer a one-size-fits-all solution. Our highly trained practitioners provide individual consultations and customized treatment plans, including acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, cupping, and Tui Na massage. We also create customized herbal formulas based on the individual's diagnosis. Our commitment to quality ensures that all herbal formulas adhere to the highest standards of good manufacturing practices. 

If you’re seeking reliable and effective solutions for your health and wellness needs, Holistic Dynamics is the perfect choice. We offer free consultations and a hassle-free booking system. Don’t wait any longer; call us at (901) 647-8150 or book an appointment today to start your journey toward holistic health and well-being. Choose us and experience the difference!